Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sleep Training

16 Oct 2008

It caught up with me this morning
I’m gatvol of night feeding
A good night is five feeds!
Ridiculous! Outrageous!

So I ran to a my sleep book and read about how demand feeding leads to bad sleeping habits
Which ruin the child and drain the mom
So today we started the path to the contented baby routine
The aim is to get Tim to go to sleep by himself
And not rely on me to feed him to sleep
(Yes, I confess!)

I also need to slightly reduce how much he sleeps in the day
The underlying belief being ‘less sleep during the day, more sleep at night’
This directly contradicts the demand feeding mantra of ‘the more they sleep, the more they sleep’
The logic of reducing day sleep to increase night sleep makes some sense though
So i’ll try this idea out for size

The only problem with less day sleep is that Tim is awake for much longer
Which is a problem because I don’t quite know how to fill up his awake time
We played nicely this morning
But he can only play for short spells still
What do we do the rest of the time?
And less day sleep for Tim is less time for me, oh dear

He wakes! Wish us luck!

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